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Have a look at my Resume for the most recent projects I’ve worked on at my job.
Or here is the list:
Company branding website for Rocsys, the global leader in seamless charging solutions for electric vehicles.
(mobile first) Single Page Application made with Vue 3 for Athlon’s flexible car lease plan. Where users can easily switch their leased car, every month of the year. Cars within the overview are actual cars that are ready for delivery. Reservations and swaps are made real-time and the car pool gets automatically updated.
Marketing website for Centraal Beheer flexible car lease plan.
International platform for HSO (headquaters Venendaal). Aggregated website replaced more than 40 websites across the world. Includes: lot of assets like business cases, blogs and podcasts which personalized and recommended based on user interests throughout the website.
Career website for Arriva. Made with Umbraco and VueJS front-end for the vacancy overview.
Single Page Application made with Vue3 Typescript. A PWA for general practitioner (dutch: huisarts) to easily self-schedule their shifts. Shift can be traded/swapped with other practicioners within the same clinic through this app. Includes: general shift overview, marketplace (with active trade requests) and a personalized shift calendar.
Feel free to contact me to learn more about the projects I’ve worked on.